Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Plan a Baptism

Donation Request - How to Plan a Baptism
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Do you know about - How to Plan a Baptism

Donation Request! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Can I even baptize my child? How do I begin? Where do I start first? Do I need to register my baby for baptism? Do I need to go to any training classes? Is there a fee for the baptism? Can we take pictures while the ceremony?

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How is How to Plan a Baptism

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request.

Anyone who wishes may be baptized. Children under seven may be baptized at the parent's request. Age seven and older, will experience the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

First, let me tell you to start by deciding on a date and then experience the church. Dates for the church book very quickly! They may also only accomplish so many baptisms on a particular day. Be sure to set the date well in enlarge and before you begin to plan. Pick your Godparents prior to calling the church. Once the date and time is set in stone, start mailing out your invitations. Pick your child's baptism outfit. If you wish to have a gathering celebration after the ceremony, now is the time to start development those arrangements.

You will need to register with your church for the baptism. This is easy. Call the rectory; tell them your child's name, date of birth, place of birth, address and your phone number. They will then need to know the mother's maiden name, the father's name & the godparent's names. If you are registered with the church make sure you tell them, if not, they will probably ask if you plan on registering. They will also ask if you were married in the Catholic Church and if your child was baptized due to an urgency in the hospital.

You will need Baptismal instruction before the baptism. Please ask your parish or the rectory when you call about these classes. Ask if the Godparents are welcome in case they would like to attend as well.

Also, there is not a fee for the baptism. However, most families make a donation to the church. This is not required or ever asked for.

As far as videos or photography goes while the ceremony, depending on your church, it may or may not be allowed. If it is allowed, the church usually asks that it be done discreetly.

One last note, now that the event is over, you may want to think sending out baptism announcements to distant house members and casual acquaintances that you did not ask to the baptism. You can also send these to friends and house that live too far away to attend or those that were not able to make it to the baptism.

As you can see the whole process is easy and will go plane and quite quickly. So you can enjoy the blessed event of baptism. The church makes things easy and they are usually accommodating when baptizing your diminutive one in their gorgeous christening outfit.

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