Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Debut Studio Album with Kickstarter!!!

Donation Requests - A Debut Studio Album with Kickstarter!!!.
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Do you know about - A Debut Studio Album with Kickstarter!!!

Donation Requests ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Donation Requests . You look at this article for information on that want to know is Donation Requests .

How is A Debut Studio Album with Kickstarter!!!

A Debut Studio Album with Kickstarter!!! Tube. Duration : 6.75 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Requests . PLEDGE HERE: Hey y'all, it's Alex! Some of you know me in real life...some of you know me through social media...and some of you might be complete strangers. For the sake of the latter, let me tell you a little bit about me. I am a singer/songwriter. I love to have fun. I'm bubbly and weird. My favorite feeling is seeing someone smile and knowing I created that smile. I love my hubby and my son. I love my fans. I love music. I love making music.If you would like to see/hear some of my work, you may at I have had so many requests to release a studio album, so I am hoping you will help me make it a reality. Every pledge helps, big or small. As a part of making this dream a reality, there are some great rewards. Check them out and know that I appreciate it more than anything in the world. The goal I have set (00) is enough for me to at least put out an EP album (a short album of no more than 5 tracks). If I raise MORE than 00 all of the money will go towards the album and it will be longer. THAT WOULD BE FANTASTIC so please, if you see that the goal has already been reached, don't hesitate to go ahead and contribute. I would love to put out as many songs on the cd as possible. Xoxoxo, Alex PLEDGE HERE:
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