Sunday, June 3, 2012

10 Steps to Web Success

Sample Donation Request Letters - 10 Steps to Web Success
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Sample Donation Request Letters! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

There are fullness of habitancy out there that will fee you for their ideas but never back it up with real life quantifiable examples. This record is designed to tell you exactly what we did to create and make a flourishing Internet based business.

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How is 10 Steps to Web Success

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Sample Donation Request Letters.

Let me start by saying we earn sufficient money from this site to live comfortably. It has not made us millionaires but it generates addition amounts of revenue month after month and if the trend continues, there is nothing we will want for financially as a effect of our efforts.

Secondly, do not be fooled into mental that running a flourishing web site is a set and forget proposition, it is hard work in terms of the amount of hours you must spend to ensure it works for you.

All of the con men out there that try to sell you set and forget web sites and promise you easy money are exactly that "Con Men".

Ok, Step by Step to Web Success

This process is on-going and has so far taken 6 years (as at 2008) so be ready to take your time at becoming rich.

Step 1 - What do we do Online?

The first thing we did was rule what it was we had to sell. The choices were many as it turned out, here are some of the ideas we came up with:

We could set up an on-line consultancy firm (X) We could write and sell software (X) We could write and sell E-Books (Everyone is an specialist at something and this is the easiest way to own a goods of your own) (X) We could set up an affiliate web site and sell other peoples products together with utilizing Adsense (X) We could use the Internet as a high tech traditional mail order firm (X) We could sell our photos or artwork as stock photography We could write a novel and sell it online or look for a publisher online We could create web sites for other habitancy (X)
What we ended up doing was a amount of these things. We did all of the things with a (X) next to them.

These web sites and pages were:

Online consultancy - How to Make Money Online pages on [] Write and Sell Software -,, Enigma, and foldersafe are all written by us and they are owned by us Write and sell E-Books - Internet Dating Interactive is written by us Affiliate & Adsense Marketing - thinkingracing sells many products other than our own, each one of these generates an affiliate commission when person purchases them from our site, this site also generates immense revenue from Google Adsense High Tech Mail Order firm - Digital Developments makes and distributes personalized coffee mugs Web Sites - We also create web sites on a allocation for other people
It has been our palpate that you cannot plainly focus on one thing and hope to make it big. Money has a lovely way of accumulating when you are complicated in any endeavors. Whilst one may lapse, the others may peak and overall, things keep ticking along.

Some of the above endeavors make more money than others and our 3 stars are the Software Sales from software we have written ourselves, our mental Racing site and the Coffee Mug business. In the middle of them, they lead 70% of our income.

Before we move to step 2, bear in mind that just because you are on the Internet does not mean you have to sell on-line products. We took a traditional firm (making coffee mugs) and used the interment as an electronic marketing tool and order taker. This has been a huge success and I am inevitable there are fullness of other traditional businesses that could benefit from the Internet in the same way.

Step 2 - Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

I know every person wants to jump right in and make a web site but unless you are ready with all things you need to make your investment work, you are wasting your time and money.

In our case, we had to do the following:

Write the software we were going to sell. We started with one application and we are still adding to our goods line every year. Set up our affiliate programs (We use ClickBank mostly and I will by comparison why below) Write the copy for our web pages Write and release our E-Book investigate how to make coffee mugs, purchase the equipment and make some samples Get firm cards, letter heads and all of the usual stationary you use in firm (If you want to be treated like a business, you need to look and act like one) Get an accounting ideas and learn how to use it Register our firm Name create our Web Site offline (This is time consuming and you have to be happy with the result, if you are not 100% convinced that your site conveys what you want it to, others won't be either)
Step 3 - What will our site look like?

It is vitally leading that your site conveys what it is you want it to. The best guidance I can give is investigate the net, look at your competitors and other sites for ideas. Pick and choose things that you think work and then ensure those ideas are harmoniously merged with your ideas and design.

Decide the theme you want for your site, for instance, we wanted to effect a content driven major portal style similar to news sites and msn etc. So our site is predominately text based (This is also very good for quest machine optimization). Obviously, if you sell visual products like Artwork for instance, this style of site is not proper and that's what I mean. Look at what you are trying to do and construct your site appropriately.

We have found the following Do's and Don't's

Do use lots of text Do keep animations to a minimum Do try to avoid Flash and Java Do optimize your images Do keep consistent construct and colour schemes throughout your site Do convert your site often to keep it fresh Do have a privacy course clearly published on your site Do make it easy for visitors to palpate you Do make it easy for visitors to purchase from you, make the transaction a 1 step process, do not ask them to register for anyone else while the cost process, it will put them off. Do have give away's of genuine value to build visitor loyalty and goodwill Do offer fullness of freely accessed indispensable facts about your subject matter Do use PayPal as at least one of your cost methods (Lots of habitancy now use PayPal and it means they do not need to enter their prestige card every time they wish to purchase something. This is still a major drawback of selling online) Do all the time offer a money back guarantee, this gives the purchaser belief in your goods and if your goods is what you say it is, you will get very few, if any refund requests. We get 1 in 100 sales. Don't go the hard sell Don't use pop-ups, pop-under's or floating windows - they turn habitancy off instantly Don't clutter your site up, make it easy for habitancy to find what you want them to find Don't promise anyone that is not true or not deliverable Don't ever share your customers details with anyone else
Ultimately you want to perform the following with your web site:

Attract Attention Arouse Interest Stimulate Desire Call for Action
Step 4 - Who do we host with?

There are genuinely thousands of web hosting companies out there and choosing the accurate one is obviously very important. I don't think there is a right and wrong solution but I will tell you why we chose Homestead.

Homestead has a very low cost entry point and allows you to continually upgrade your holder as your firm grows and you can afford it.

It is fast and reliable reserve is excellent There is no advertising connected with your site You can create as many sites as you like They will do all things from Domain hosting to email and mailing list management They have an extremely easy to use and extremely grand web page production software holder which is free of fee to their customers They comprise e-commerce facilities (Very leading if you want to sell anything) It is very quick to develop, test and deploy your web sites You can try it for free for 30 days, that's genuinely long sufficient to see if it's right for you
Frankly, it does not matter who you host with as long as they are reliable, fast and cost effective. Homestead is easy and as such, it has limitations, the most preeminent being lack of reserve for Php and Asp. For our mental Racing site we used Bravenet as we required Php and MySql capability.

Step 5 - Ok I have my Site Online - What Now?

Once you have produced your site, tested all of the links, tested your affiliate programs, spell checked every page, tested your e-commerce ideas and you are happy with the final product, it is time to upload it and go live to the world.

Unfortunately this sounds much grander than it genuinely is, the fact is, you will upload your site to your host and no one will know it exists except you. From here on in, all of your efforts need to be applied to the following:

Web Site Optimization Web Site Marketing both Online and Offline Press Releases via Pr Web quest machine Submission seeing Linking Partners Instigating Pay Per Click Campaigns that work Trial and error with web page construct and copy Implementing Google Adsense if it suits your site
The uncomplicated truth is that for you to effect online, you need visitors and lots of them but don't fall for the trap of buying traffic from habitancy who claim they will send you 10,000 visitors for .95 etc, it Never works.

What you need is targeted traffic, that is, habitancy that are already pre-qualified as concerned in what you have to offer. This is difficult but not impossible to achieve. The good thing is that when one of these habitancy do visit you, it is far more likely that they will purchase something from you than person stumbling upon your site.

A word of guidance as to why Not to purchase traffic.

Traffic delivered in this way is usually by one of 2 methods (1) Pop-Under exchanges or (2) habitancy paid to click on sites. In the first instance, your site loads unseen by the user whilst viewing some other site, the effect is, they will close your site without even seeing at it as they did not request it. The second recipe is habitancy being paid to visit sites, obviously this will never get the pre-qualified visitors you are seeing for. These habitancy visit as many sites as they can all day every day as they get paid per verified visitation. All in all it is worthless and a waste of your money. I can almost certify you will be tempted to use these services that certify traffic (we have used them), but Do Not, the only certify is that you will be wasting your money.

Step 6 - Web Site Optimization (Search machine Optimization)

Web Site Optimization or Seo as it is known is plainly designing your web site in a way that is easy for the Major quest Engines to find you and index your content. habitancy write truck loads of facts on this subject but there are only a few things that genuinely matter, these are:

Web Page Headings - Make sure your Web Page Headings comprise the key words you want habitancy to find you with when searching (It's marvelous how many habitancy forget to have a page heading at all and without one you will almost genuinely not be found) Key Words - When choosing key words, never use particular words like shoes, use something more graphic like red leather shoes, it will help you float above the millions of other shoe sites Have the word official in your Web Page Headings Make sure your Web Page Headings relate to what is on the page Meta Tags - Ensure your Key Words are included in Meta Tags Key Word Count - Make sure you have a key word count on each page of In the middle of 2% and 5% Alt Tags - Ensure all of your images have an Alt tag, preferably one that relates to your key words Inward Links - The most leading thing for quest engines is how many inward links you have so it is vitally leading to trade links with sites in the same niche as you Java & Flash - Avoid having links in Java or Flash code, the quest engines do not see it Site Map - all the time have a site map page that has text links to every other page on your site, that way the quest engines will find all of your pages Key Word Stuffing - Never plainly repeat your key words over and over on the page, this is known as key word stuffing and the quest engines will ban your site if you do it Image Optimization - Ensure all of your images have been optimized for fast loading
Step 7 - Web Site Marketing Online and Offline

Now that you have a great site and it is optimized both for the viewer and the quest engines it is time to start marketing it. This is the particular most leading thing you can do if you want to effect online. Marketing can be done well with great outcomes or it can be done badly with very negative results indeed.

The biggest no no is Spamming, or sending out emails to habitancy that have not requested anyone from you. Not only will you annoy the intended recipient, you will likely be banned by your Isp.

Here are some of the steps and guidance we use when marketing our site:

Press release - When we have something to say we all the time submit a press release to You can do this for free but for a small fee you get much great coverage. Your release will end up on things like Google News and be picked up by potentially hundreds of thousands of people. Make sure what you have to say is news worthy or it will be a waste of time and money. Search machine Submission - You Must submit your web site to the quest engines every month. This is very tedious and we use a 3rd party quest machine submission service. You can do it yourself but your time is more valuable. Pay Per Click - I talked earlier about getting targeted visitors to your web site. The easiest and quickest way of doing this is to use one of the Pay Per Click operators. Google, Microsoft and Yahoo are the biggest and as a consequence probably the best but we have had great results at a lower cost with LookSmart. These services cost you money so you need to weigh up the benefits of visitations against the cost of getting those visitors. We use this form of marketing extensively and perform good results. I recommend you visit Adwords to get the detail. Link replacement - A great free way to get targeted visitors is to do link exchanges with like minded web masters. quest the net, find sites that you think will benefit your site and write to the web specialist and request a link swap. Its a win win situation. Yes it is time consuming and tedious but if you want to succeed, you need to work at this. Remember, it has taken us 6 years so far and we are still doing this stuff because it works. Mailing List - construction up a mailing list is very important. It is all the time easier to sell to an existing client than it is to enduringly try and get new ones. Have a free newsletter registration on your web site. Once habitancy Opt In to your newsletter, you can email them periodically with news and extra offers. This is one of the most flourishing forms of web marketing. Viral Marketing - If you sell software, give away a free trial version and encourage those that download it to pass it on to their friends. This is a form of Viral Marketing and it works. Even if you plainly make a cool screen saver and give it away, it will bring you customers as long as every screen has your web link on it. If you intend to do this form of marketing, make sure your give away is of high quality, you want habitancy to join together your site with quality. The best place to submit your giveaway to is, its free and it will drive thousands of habitancy to your site over time. We advanced Streaming Stats as a free giveaway plainly to drive new customers to mental Digital. It is a goods of high capability that is fun and informative and has intrinsic value. I cannot recommend this form of marketing enough, it is slow but steady and never stops selling for you. Site brain - Track your visitors and find out what it is they are concerned in on your site. Homestead has a built in ideas for doing this but there are any on the market. Once you know what your visitors are seeing at, you can great understand what is attracting them to you in the first place and more importantly, you can use this knowledge to Funnel them to where you want them to go. For instance, if they are predominately going to facts pages, imbed links in those pages that will direct them to your sales pages. An perfect free ideas for this is Google Analytics. Offsite Marketing - Make sure that your web address is printed on all things that leaves your premises, invoices, firm cards, invitations, the lot. You never know who will read it or where it will show up. Local Demographics - If you control within a local demographic, use it. For instance, the coffee mug firm is only concerned in customers from Australia so we limit our Google AdWords to Australia only. That way our Ads are not seen by habitancy surface our territory and they become even more targeted. Targeted customers ultimately mean more sales. Assist Charity - Again, if you control locally, advertise or great still get editorial coverage for what you do in the local press, Tv and radio. One way to do this is to donate your products or services to a worthy cause like Earthquake relief and then let habitancy know about it. The press love goodwill stories and you will get thousands of dollars in free publicity. A nice by goods is that you also get to help whichever cause it is. Bartercard - Bartercard is a trade replacement whereby you trade goods for other goods in a similar way to how firm was conducted hundreds of years ago. Whilst no actual cash changes hands, there are over 55,000 businesses globally that you can deal with. Being a member of Bartercard can growth question for your products or assistance and also create further cash sales straight through word of mouth. The Bartercard dollars that you regain straight through trading can be used to purchase almost anything. Whilst you could not run your whole firm on this system, it is a great way to spread the word about your products and services. This is recommended once you have a sustainable business. Referrals - Ask your visitors to refer your site to their friends via a Referral Button, if indispensable give them an incentive to do so. For instance, "tell 5 of your friends about our site and get this great screen saver free". Homestead has built in reserve for this feature. Web Polls - Ask your visitors what they think of you and have it graphic as a web poll, if you are doing your job well, most responses will be inevitable and that will encourage habitancy to do firm with you. Gift Vouchers - If you can do it technically, offer gift vouchers for purchases at your site. Not only will you make an immediate sale, you will gain not one but two customers.
Step 8 - Marketing Maintenance

Once you have your web site on the quest engines and you have implemented some or all of the above marketing tips, you should see traffic appearing at your site and hopefully sales. If you are getting inexpensive traffic (at least 100 visitors per day) and you are not development any sales, you need to revisit your web site and ask yourself, why?. The easiest way to see if person will purchase a goods or assistance from you is to ask yourself the question "if I happened upon this site without any prior knowledge of it, would I be tempted to buy?". If the respond is no, why not?. Make the indispensable changes and and let the new changes run for a few weeks and show the way the same test. Web site marketing is all about trial and error, you will ultimately happen upon things that work, keep them and discard those that don't.

These are the steps we undertake week in and week out to continually shop our sites:

Continue to look for mutually beneficial link partners quest the net for new opportunities to co-market or advertise our sites rate new marketing propositions as they become known to us Adbrite is an example of this Be ready to lower the price of your offerings if they are not selling. Products and Services do not sell for only 2 reasons (1) Price and (2) Quality. So, if you are sure of the capability of what you offer, lower the price or offer an incentive to buy. We did this with our Bookie Beater software, the traditional price was .95 and we sold a few but after lowering the price to .95, sales sky rocketed. Tweak your site constantly, convert extra offers, convert images and layout occasionally, add new articles and comprise Rss (Really uncomplicated Syndication) feeds where appropriate. These bring new fresh content to your site every day free of fee which not only adds authoritative content to your site, it helps raise your profile with the quest engines. Make sure your web site sells the benefits of what you are offering. habitancy buy benefits, not features. Keep in touch with habitancy who have bought from you in the past, it has been proven many times that it is substantially easier to sell to an existing customer than to regain a new one. Send a monthly news letter to those that have opted in to your mailing list, no matter how small that list is. Differentiate your goods or assistance from your competitors, this can be straight through a benefit statement or even cost. Often, habitancy will pay substantially more for a goods if the benefits of that particular goods outweigh the benefits of the competitor. If you rule to spend money on advertising, make sure it is with sites that are in the same niche as you. It is useless advertising on a broad fluctuating facts portal when you sell washing machines. You need to be advertising on sites that relate or promote washing machines. We advertise on racing-index because it fits our demographic and it has been proven to work. Use your web site brain to see what pages habitancy are visiting and for how long, where do they enter your site, where do they leave your site. Look at the referrers and see where you customers have been referred from. They would be a good place to link with or advertise with don't you think? Traffic patterns convert and you need to enduringly monitor this convert and modify your site accordingly if you want to make your site work for you.
Step 9 - Other ways to Monetize your site

Google AdSense

People have their own opinions about Google's Adsense agenda but I am a big fan. It is free to join and enables you to run other peoples ads on your site. When person clicks on these ads, you get paid a commission. Google all the time pay on time and you can realise quite sizeable amounts of money from this if done correctly.

The one big drawback is that when person clicks an AdSense Ad, they leave your site. I don't like this aspect of the agenda but if your site is consuming enough, your visitor will return of their own accord.

A few tips to flourishing AdSense use:

Always place a short sentence about what you are promoting directly below the AdSense Ad. This will ensure that AdSense only shows Ads that are relevant to your content and certify a higher click straight through rate. Use borderless ads and try to comprise them in your body text, habitancy tend to click on body copy placement more. Ensure your Ads are using the same style and colour task as the rest of your site, this lessens the feeling of viewing an advertisement.
Clickbank Affiliate Program

Clickbank has over 11,000 products online and there are sure to be some that are synergistic with your web site. You can earn in any place up to 75% of the sale price of an item plainly by becoming a Clickbank Affiliate and placing some links on your site. This is a free assistance and Clickbank pay commissions every 2 weeks.

We have used this assistance to both promote our own software and other peoples for 6 years and it has earned us immense revenue in that time.

If you have some spare space on your pages, why not place some nicely designed ads from the Clickbank catalogue, it won't sway the construct of your site and will more likely make you some money.

Create Web Sites for Other People

Now that you have the skills in hand to create a great web site of your own, what is to stop you offering that assistance to other people. We do, and we make in any place In the middle of ,000 and ,000 per site. Our web site promo page is at []

Because every man and his dog is proporting to be able to create web sites, the best place to shop this assistance is in your local community. Approach the inevitable candidates like Florists, Real Estate Agents, Hire Car Companies, Artists and Photographers, Car repair Companies, in fact every person these days needs a web site so you could create a nice sideline in this way.

Sell Advertising on your Site

Whilst this is quite difficult, it is not impossible. We successfully sell ads on our site every month and it is a direct effect of attacking a shop niche (in our case Horse Racing). We get targeted visitors and other sites in the gambling space also want those visitors and are ready to pay for them. This is a nice earner for us that is growing month by month.

It costs you nothing to advertise the fact that you will accept paid advertising on your site and if you get a nibble, it will have been worth it. Let the advertisers Approach you, after you get sufficient day to day traffic, they will.

If you are impatient and wish to sell Advertising Space on your site, you can do so straight through Text Link Ads who pay you to place Text Links on your site. Your site needs to be popular ,favorite but this seems to be an perfect way to monetize your site quickly.

Step 10 - Remember to Persist

The best piece of guidance I can give you is implement as much of the above as you are capable of and Persist. There is a guaranteed outcome if you give up and that is, failure, there is also a guaranteed outcome if you effect the guidance on this page and Persist, you will Succeed, it's impossible not to.

People only fail at something they truly believe in if they give up, Persist and Win.

I wish you every success in your Online endeavors.

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