Sunday, July 8, 2012

How to Write a Fundraising Thank-You Letter For Example (Includes a Free Sample)

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Do you know about - How to Write a Fundraising Thank-You Letter For Example (Includes a Free Sample)

Donation Request Letter! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Thank-you letters are one of the most important letters that your non-profit mails to donors. They remind donors that they made the right decision in supporting your organization. They show that you are grateful for the donors gift. As a bonus, thank-you letters growth donor loyalty, advance relationships with your donors and growth your chances of receiving more gifts in the future. So here are some pointers for writing efficient thank-you letters.

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How is How to Write a Fundraising Thank-You Letter For Example (Includes a Free Sample)

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Be personal.
Address your thank-you letter to your donor by name. Don't say "Dear Friend."

Say thank you, thank you, thank you.
Show your gratitude by repeating, in a few dissimilar ways, that you are thankful for your donor's gift.

Be specific if possible.
Mention the size of the gift, or the date that you received the gift, or at least say "Thank you for your modern gift." Donors are busy habitancy who need to be reminded that they responded to your appeal.

Show how the donor's gift is being successful.
Reinforce in your donor's mind that sending a gift was a wise venture in the work of your organization. Delineate a modern success that was made possible by the donor's generosity. Or show in other specific, tangible ways, how or where the donors gift is development a contrast in the lives of the habitancy that your non-profit serves.

Thank the supporter, not the donor.
Somewhere in your letter, write back that you value your reader as man who supports your assosication and believes in your mission. No one likes being treated like an automatic banking machine.

Encourage dialogue.
Show a genuine interest in your donor by captivating them to write you, or phone you, or visit your website, or drop by your mission, or in some other way advance your relationship.

Be soft in request for more funds.
Your thank-you letter should say thanks. If you effect your thanks with an immediate and aggressive motion for more funds, you may cheapen your thanks and offend your supporter. So be gentle, and soft-sell the invite for other gift.

Strive for originality.
Be fresh. Make your letter unique. Avoid language that sounds like it was churned out by a bureaucracy.

An example of a thriving thank-you letter.
Below is a thank-you letter that Doctors Without Borders (Msf) mailed to donors who responded to their motion letter for their work in Afghanistan.

--sample thank-you letter starts--

Dear Alan:

In response to your modern gift to Msf, I join with the habitancy of Afghanistan in saying shúker, thank you, for your generosity.

As I write, the security situation in Afghanistan is changing by the day, improving in some areas of the country while deteriorating in others. At Msf, we are particularly alarmed at the number of civilians who are being killed or injured in the bombing campaigns.

On one day alone, we conveyable 72 dead and 15 wounded to the hospital. Many of them were women and children. Among the casualties was a family whose father was killed, mum critically injured, and four children wounded. A six-year-old boy lost one eye and had to undergo partial amputation of one arm and a full amputation of his other arm and one of his legs.

We are seeing increasing evidence of an unacceptably high toll on civilians due to the forces operations in Afghanistan. We are calling upon the parties complex to minimize the consequences of the ongoing conflict on the civilian population.

The good news is that, thanks to your generosity, our 60 international staff and over 400 Afghan staff are back to work in the country again, contribution healing help without discrimination and regardless of race, religion, creed or political affiliation.

I join with all of them and the staff here at Msf Canada in wishing you a thriving and safe Náwey Kaal, or New Year.

Yours sincerely,


Leslie Shanks, Md, Ccfp
President - Médecins Sans Frontières Canada / Doctors Without Borders-Canada

--sample thank-you letter ends--

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