Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bomberos de garin fund 911 2 / Firefighters of Garin and the 911 FUND

Donation Requests - Bomberos de garin fund 911 2 / Firefighters of Garin and the 911 FUND.
The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Bomberos de garin fund 911 2 / Firefighters of Garin and the 911 FUND.

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Donation Requests ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Donation Requests . You look at this article for information about a person wish to know is Donation Requests .

How is Bomberos de garin fund 911 2 / Firefighters of Garin and the 911 FUND

Bomberos de garin fund 911 2 / Firefighters of Garin and the 911 FUND Tube. Duration : 3.63 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Requests . Reviews the history of 911 FUND support for Garin, Argentina, and donations of apparatus, equipment and training in Garin and elsewhere in Argentina, the sequence being: June 2006 initial fact-finding visit by Dr. Stephan Hittmann and other 911 FUND officials; May 2007 donation of 1st pumper truck, training and cooperation agreement; July 2007 donation of 2nd pumper truck; August 2007 donation of a mini-bus for firefighter transportation; November 2007 visits to and donations of firefighting equipment to Alumine, Merlo and elsewhere in Argentina; July 2008 donation of 3rd pumper truck and ladder truck donation of 1st pumper truck. The 911 FUND and the Bomberos Voluntarios de Garin -- friends for life. Repasa la historia de apoyo de la Fundación 911 para Garin, Argentina, y las donaciones de aparatos, equipos y capacitación en Garin y en otras partes de Argentina, la secuencia es: Junio 2006 primer visita de investigación por el Dr. Stephan Hittmann y otros oficiales de la Fundación 911; Mayo 2007 la donación del primer autobomba, formación y letra de cooperación; Julio 2007 la donación de segundo autobomba; Agosto 2007 donación de un minibús para el transporte de bomberos; Noviembre 2007 visitas y donaciones de equipo de bomberos para Aluminé, Merlo y otros lugares de Argentina; Julio 2008 la donación del tercer autobomba y la donación de camión escalera. La Fundación 911 y los Bomberos Voluntarios de Garin - amigos para siempre.
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