Do you know about - All4TubeKids News for December 2008
Donation Requests ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Donation Requests . You read this article for info on what you wish to know is Donation Requests .How is All4TubeKids News for December 2008
All4TubeKids News for December 2008 Tube. Duration : 1.73 Mins.We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Requests . Here is the All4TubeKids news for December, 2008. We will be posting our holiday video just before the new year. If you have any holiday videos that you would like to share with us you may post them as a video response to our holiday video. You may post any video responses to this new video that may relate to this news in any way including announcements of a new channel or news relating to an upcoming holiday video or collaboration. Brittany and Brianna'sd dad has been sick with the pneunonia for the last week. He has been eating raw garlic in addition to his diet and it has been helping him recover much faster. As of December 14, 2008 it seems like the pneumonia is totally gone. We will be having another homemade holiday card drawing video like we did last year but this time we will be selling some of the cards on eBay to raise funds to donate to our local charity. We have chosen to donate to the Salvation Army to help the kids and families in need for the holidays. We will use all proceeds ftom the auction for the donation. We will provide a link to the auction listing after the cards have been made. This link will be posted on the homemade holiday card video. We will also be making a video of us approaching the Salvation Army volunteers and giving them them donations. We would love to share these priceless moments with everyone. We will also be sending some homemade holiday cards to a few youtube friends who would like us to send them a card by simply leaving the ...