Wednesday, June 27, 2012

URECA School

Donation Requests - URECA School.
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Do you know about - URECA School

Donation Requests ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Donation Requests . You look at this article for information about anyone wish to know is Donation Requests .

How is URECA School

URECA School Tube. Duration : 4.13 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Requests . Physically-challenged Development Foundation (PDF) is very proud to present URECA school, a free of cost educational institution at Uttara. ERECA is now home to more than 500 street urchins. URECA from is now changing the lives of more than 500 underprivileged family of Uttara living in different slums. Learn how 11 friends took this initiative and each is donating 5000 Taka monthly. Be amazed by the fact that, with only 55000 tka per month donation they are running this whole project and changing thousands of lives. Physically-challenged Development Foundation (PDF) so far have done four projects for them: Project MITA, Season 1, Phase 2 by PDF English Medium Branch, Dec 2010. Project HOPE AND SMILE. Phase 5, by Team Ornate of PDF Summer Challenge, Aug 2011. Project YOUTH TO THE YOUNG, by team Catalyst of PDF Summer Challenge, Aug 2011. Project EID Treat, by PDF Uttara Branch, Aug 2011. PDF wishes them all the best for the future and will keep it promise of being a development partner. PDF requests everyone to please go and visit their schools in various sectors of Uttara.
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