Wednesday, May 30, 2012

When is Jesus Going to Still the Storm in Your Life?

Donation Request Letter - When is Jesus Going to Still the Storm in Your Life?
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Do you know about - When is Jesus Going to Still the Storm in Your Life?

Donation Request Letter! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

We all remember when the disciples went out on the lake with Jesus and the storm came up while Jesus was sleeping. They woke Jesus and He told the storm to be still. Do you think that it can be the same way in your life when the storms come? Do you think Jesus can solve the turmoil in your life?

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How is When is Jesus Going to Still the Storm in Your Life?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Letter.

Life can be full of one hassle after other one. I am not sure about you, but my life seems to go from one hard and difficult thing to the next one and sometimes a storm settles in for the long haul and I am just suffering for a long time.

What do we do when the hard times come?

I have found that in the hardest times the best I can do is give the situation the Jesus in prayer and then praise Him through the midst of the storm. I find if I praise Him for the hard times, then I am more accepting of them, and Jesus gives me a portion of His peace in the midst of it.

I have read accounts of habitancy of God who have gone through broad suffering and who have gone through all of it with the peace and the joy of the Lord. This is the sort of life that I want to have. To be able to be happy and full of joy even though circumstances and my life is full of darkness.

I beyond doubt think that is why the story about Jesus in the boat is in the Bible. To let us know that Jesus is still in the boat with us. I feel it is there so that we can know that Jesus cares when we are having hard times and He is right there with us no matter how hard things get.

That's what I think anyway.

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