Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The I.R.S. 'dirty Dozen' - Don't Be Victimized by These coarse Tax Avoidance Schemes

Charitable Donation Request - The I.R.S. 'dirty Dozen' - Don't Be Victimized by These coarse Tax Avoidance Schemes
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Do you know about - The I.R.S. 'dirty Dozen' - Don't Be Victimized by These coarse Tax Avoidance Schemes

Charitable Donation Request! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

In these trying economic times, with Housing Foreclosures at all-time highs, an unemployment rate of over 10%, and soaring condition care costs, more and more Americans are becoming frustrated with their Federal Government, resulting in increased numbers of taxpayers turning to financial and tax advisers whose guidance and methodology are of questionable legitimacy. As a result, the Irs has recently published it's list of the twelve most generally attempted revenue tax related schemes - what the Treasury division is calling the "Dirty Dozen."

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How is The I.R.S. 'dirty Dozen' - Don't Be Victimized by These coarse Tax Avoidance Schemes

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Charitable Donation Request.

According to Irs commissioner Doug Shulman, "Taxpayers should be wary of scams to avoid paying taxes that seem too good to be true...There is no secret trick that can eliminate a person's tax obligations. Population should be wary of anyone peddling any of these scams."

First on the list, "Phishing" is a term familiar to most computer and internet savvy Americans, in which internet-based con artists trick their victims into turning over their private/personal data, allowing the criminals to gain passage to bank accounts, lines of credit, etc. According to the Irs.gov website, "The Irs never initiates unsolicited e-mail caress with taxpayers about their tax issues. Taxpayers who receive unsolicited e-mails that claim to be from the Irs can send the message to phishing @ irs.gov."

Next, one of the oldest of the tax avoidance scams, "Hiding revenue Offshore." For decades, taxpayers have attempted to evade taxes by using offshore debit cards, credit cards, wire transfers, foreign trusts, employee-leasing schemes, secret annuities or life insurance plans. Recently, the Irs provided guidance to auditors on how to deal with those hiding revenue offshore in undisclosed accounts.

The Identification of Taxpayers who are engaged in "Filing False of Misleading Forms" to claim refunds that they are not entitled to will be a major concern of the Irs in the upcoming tax season. The filing of Frivolous data returns, claiming false withholding credits, even the seminar that a "straw man" bank account has been created by our government for each citizen, are the most tasteless claims that fall into this category.

I'm obvious that many Population remember the troubles that previous President Bill Clinton had with his revenue taxes, most notably, his claims that used underwear he donated to charity had a value of any dollars per pair. The Irs continues to inspect the "Misuse of Charitable Organizations and Deductions." Abuse includes arrangements to improperly shield revenue or assets from taxation, attempts by donors to allege control over donated assets, and overvaluing of donations of real property, as in the Clinton example.

"Return Preparer Fraud" has created many headaches for taxpayers who fall victim to their schemes. Many dishonest return preparers skim off of their clients refunds, charge overinflated fees in exchange for promises of large refunds, often demanding a division of said refund. Worst of all, no matter who prepares the return, the taxpayer is finally responsible for its accuracy, meaning that taxpayers taken advantage of by these scammers are left 'high and dry' when the Irs at last audits their return. According to the Irs website, "Since 2002, the courts have issued injunctions ordering dozens of individuals to cease preparation returns, and the division of Justice has filed complaints against dozens of others, which are pending in court." So remember - if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

"Frivolous Arguments" - that is, schemes encourage Population to make unreasonable and unfounded claims to avoid paying the taxes they owe - are also being watched out for by the Irs. These arguments comprise claims that 'income' is not defined by the Internal revenue Code, that only government employees are branch to tax, that revenue tax is unconstitutional, and many others. In increasing to taxes, penalties, and interest, persons filing returns citing claims which have been deemed "frivolous" by the Us Tax Court are branch to a fine of up to 00.

Many taxpayers believe that the wages which they earn is not branch to tax due to the fact that they have exchanged an object of value - their work - for an object of equal value - money - and therefore, they had no chargeable gain. In cases such as this, the Irs will compare tax straight through the "Substitute for Return Program", wherein which the Irs files a return on the taxpayers behalf. This has resulted in the Irs being inundated with what they have deemed "False Claims for refund and Requests for Abatement" - Taxpayers filing Forms 843 (Request for Abatement). These claims are being treated as frivolous arguments - and persons development the claims are subjected to tax, penalties, interest, and fines.

Along the same line is the rising practice of reporting "Zero Wages" on returns. There are dozens of reasons proffered by tax protesters as to why they do not reconsider 'wages' to be 'income' for the purposes of tax reporting - and most of these reasons have been deemed frivolous by the Us Tax Courts. All that needs to be said on this branch is that the customary promoters of this idea - Irwin Schiff and Peter Hendrickson - are currently serving time in federal prisons for tax fraud related crimes.

Speaking of incarcerated Tax Advisers, an additional one task being monitored by the Irs is the "Misuse of Trusts" to decrease tax liability. Promoters of this scam charge taxpayers huge fees to organize what they call "Pure Trusts" or "Constitutional Trusts" - which they claim are tax exempt. This is technically true - the trusts have no tax liability - because said liability is the accountability of the taxpayer who established the trust.

Another matter that the Irs has begun to take more seriously is the use of "Abusive seclusion Plans." As many taxpayers move from job to job, occasionally, their benefits result them - including their Iras. Many taxpayers attempt to sacrifice their tax liability by contributing to their Iras in amounts in excess of the gift limitations, improperly labeling disbursements from said accounts, or funneling funds straight through corporate entities in order to circumvent tax laws. Criminal prosecution can be taken against persons abusing such accounts.

The Irs also keeps an eye out for what they call "Disguised Corporate Ownership" - Taxpayers who organize corporate entities for the purposes of under reporting of income, fictitious deductions, non-filing of tax returns, participating in listed transactions, money laundering, financial crimes, and even terrorist financing. The Irs is working alongside of state and federal policing agencies to recognize and prosecute perpetrators of these schemes.

"Fuel Tax credit Scams" are becoming more and more prevalent as well. Many businesses, farms for example, may no ifs ands or buts claim fuel tax credits for business use of fuel; however, some individuals are claiming the tax credit for nontaxable uses of fuel when their vocation or revenue level makes the claim unreasonable.

How can you behalf from this information? First - don't get taken advantage of! Persons who attempt the schemes listed in the "Dirty Dozen" are at high risk of criminal prosecution; or, at minimum, civil action. Also, if you are aware of anyone attempting to defraud the Irs, whistle blowers that furnish allegations of fraud to the Irs and may be eligible for a reward, and are encouraged to go to Irs.gov for more information.

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