Thursday, May 24, 2012

family Philanthropy - 4 Ways to buildings Cross Generation Giving Activities

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Members of wealthy families can use philanthropy to build and carry on the family patrimony as well as to teach values and contribute practical life experience to younger generations - but how do you establish to allow manifold family members from manifold generations to share in the same effort?

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How is family Philanthropy - 4 Ways to buildings Cross Generation Giving Activities

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Form.

Here are 4 examples to aid you in determining what will work in your family.

Use your family Meeting

The simplest way to involve family members is to just discuss philanthropy at the family meeting. In this example, the family does not have definite funds allocated to giving. Each immediate family unit does their own giving, but the members plan and discuss the causes that keep the family mission and values. The family meeting program includes an item to reveal the family mission and values and hear from family members on which charitable organizations best keep them. Each family is free to use the results of the seminar as they see fit.

Set up a family Philanthropic Council

A more formal, but still a straightforward and private way to engage over generations can be to set up a family council (or committee) to focus on philanthropy. In this example, the family establishes a pool of money each year to donate as a group (using the money each personel family would have donated). The family at large then selects family members to use the pooled family funds, and identify, research and conduce to charities that fit the mission as well as contribute informal reporting back to family meeting straight through the year and formal reporting at the family meeting. This council may well contribute reporting to the family on how the pooled funds were invested and why.

Build a Grandparent/Grandchild Philanthropic Board

In this example, the grandparents mentor the grandchildren (without the parent's presence) in the various things that are needed to give wisely. This fosters inter-generational transportation and association construction and gives the grandparents a persisting role in family governance without treading on the children's domain in the family. All grandchildren over the age of 6 share by submitting a invite to grant money to their preferred cause. This helps the child learn to establish material, make a presentation (at their own level) and become an advocate of something they are highly interested in.

Children 12 and older form an venture and menagerial committee for the board - letting them learn and convention venture methods along with learning firm skills that translate into the for behalf world.

Establish a Formal family Philanthropic Foundation

Families with 5 or more million dollars can reconsider establishing a communal entity (Trust or Corporation) as an ongoing Foundation to carry send their patrimony of giving for many generations.

A foundation is a family-controlled trust or nonprofit corporation that is exempt from federal and state income taxes. It's purpose is to make grants to publicly supported organizations that address the needs of the society - ones the family cares about. There are correct government regulated reporting requirements and rigid restrictions on using the money for private individuals (including donor and family).

Processes, objectives and reporting obligations for a foundation should be formal and disciplined - including doing an 'investor profile' to conclude types of investments, levels of risks, etc.

Here are some of the benefits of establishing a family Foundation:

the family's sway is felt and the family charity objectives are achieved for the long term - no matter what happens to the rest of the family fortune formal venture managers identify and use an venture policy approved to gift giving (level of risk and etc) proper governance and a dedicated management team keep the foundation healthy

Drawbacks of establishing a family Foundation include:

the cost of setting up the legal entity to hold the foundation as well as the costs of running it (salaries of the personnel involved) the risk of loss of family involvement due to the more formal nature of the Foundation

In summary, four methods of entertaining manifold generations in family philanthropy are to a) use your family meeting b) set up a family council c) let the grandparents mentor grandchildren while the grandchildren cope the giving and d) set up a formal family foundation.

Copyright 2010 family Money Enterprises, L.L.C.

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