Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to Send efficient Hand Addressed Direct Mail Campaigns

Donation Request Letter - How to Send efficient Hand Addressed Direct Mail Campaigns
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Do you know about - How to Send efficient Hand Addressed Direct Mail Campaigns

Donation Request Letter! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Do you remember the last time you received a hand addressed envelope? If you're like most people, that handwritten mailing was the first piece you opened. In our digital age, real handwriting has come to be rare and unexpected. Regardless of your commerce - either it is financial sales, pro services, non-profit or retail, handwritten mailings are an sufficient way to capture the attentiveness of your customers and have been proven to growth direct mail response rates by 300% or more.

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How is How to Send efficient Hand Addressed Direct Mail Campaigns

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Letter.

A growing whole of marketers are using real handwriting when they send out mailings like holiday greeting cards, thank you cards, goods announcements, prospecting letters, and fundraising requests for donations. Not only are these handwritten mailings eye-catching, but they add a human touch that is absent from most direct mail campaigns.

If you want to enhance your direct mail return on speculation by using real handwriting, here are a few tips to keep in mind while you plan your campaign:

1. Hand Address the surface Envelope

You can hand write any part of your mailing. However, if you're finding for the biggest bang for your buck, be sure to hand address the surface envelope. Since this is the first thing your customers will see, a hand addressed envelope will greatly growth the opportunity that your customers will open and read your message. Plus, when you hand write someone's name, you are telling them that they are foremost to you. This extra personal touch can be very effective.

2. Don't Bother to Handwrite Your Return Address

People like to see their own name and address handwritten. They're not so implicated about yours. Save yourself some time and exertion and focus on handwriting the mailing address. You can either omit the return address altogether, or use a pre-printed envelope with your organization's information.

3. contain a Handwritten Call-to-Action

So they've opened your envelope - now what? Although you've crossed one of the biggest direct mail hurdles, the ultimate goal of your mailing is to receive a response. A handwritten call-to-action is eye-catching and adds an extra personal touch that makes it more enticing for your recipient to respond. Keep this message short and sweet - at colse to ten to twenty words. Clear, concise messages are all the time more effective.

4. Outsource to a business that Specializes in Handwritten Mail Campaigns

You probably have better things to do with your time than to hand address envelopes. There are clubs out there that specialize in handwritten mailings. You simply send them your mailing list and any extra mailing materials you wish to use. They'll address your envelopes, insert letters or cards, handwrite personalized messages, and apply a first class stamp.

The next time you want to reach your clients, go back to the basics and use real handwriting. With a limited planning, you can send remarkable handwritten mailings that are personal, sufficient and enhance your direct mail return on investment.

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