Monday, May 21, 2012

Don't Play With the Tax Man

Charitable Donation Request - Don't Play With the Tax Man
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Charitable Donation Request! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Nonprofits throughout the United States are in audit season, getting ready for their 990 filings in May. This time of year always reminds me of a nonprofit I interviewed with a few years ago.

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How is Don't Play With the Tax Man

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Charitable Donation Request.

Being the kind of due diligence gal that I am, before the interview I asked for three years of audited financial statements. Financial statements give you a good snapshot of the organization such as: where the revenue comes from; what programs cost; how much is spent on administration vs. Program; are there qoute areas or could there be belt tightening; etc. I hope there are no possible executive directors out there that would take a job without finding at the financials. Even if the organization is in financial difficulty, you need to know that so you can intelligently conclude either or not to take the position.

I didn't get audited statements, instead I got Quickbooks profit and Loss statements. A part of me concept maybe the board members didn't understand what I was asking for and I could make it clear during the procedure of the interview.

The interview itself went swimmingly until we turned to the branch of finance. I again, politely requested three years of audited financials. At that point I was told by the board chair that the organization, that had been in existence for over fifteen years, had never had an audit conducted. I was a bit surprised and I think I said something like "You might want to think having an audit done." I mentioned that it didn't necessarily have to be every year but possibly at least every two or three years.

I brought up Sarbanes-Oxley, the law that had been passed after the Enron scandal that was supposed to bring transparency to a corporation's financial operations. A succeed of that law is that nonprofits now have stricter standards that they have to meet, such as setting up audit committees and getting audits. I was summarily told that they didn't believe Sarbanes-Oxley required audits, it just recommend audits.

Still sharp as to why there was such resistance to having an audit, I said something like "Well what about your funders or possible grantmakers?" I was told that they had never had a qoute since their large donors were businesses they dealt with regularly.

Realizing I was getting nowhere, I moved on to a line item that I had questions about. That item was a type of commission they had set up with equipment suppliers, in other words, when those suppliers sold equipment as a direct succeed of being gift at their consulation or straight through advertising in their newsletter, the organization would receive a modest commission on the sale.
The Treasurer then informed me that they beloved not to call them commissions, but rather donations as they didn't want to have to pay Unrelated business revenue Taxes or Ubit.

I have no clue what expression must have swept across my face, I'm sure it was odd, since I immediately visualized my having to sign a 990 that had false data in it. I stopped asking questions about the financial statement and began wrapping up the interview with "Thank you so much for your time, it was great to meet you," or something like that.

The next day I called and removed myself from the running. It wasn't so much that their shady practices made me nervous as it was I sensed a unblemished unwillingness to clean up their behavior and a resistance to my advice.

Whatever you do nonprofits, don't play fast and loose with the Internal revenue Service, it ain't a good idea. There are consequences that comprise loss of your exemption, heavy penalties and even jail for the man who signs the 990. In simple parlance, falsifying a tax return is fraud.

While audits can make some nervous, there's nothing like getting a clean administration letter. You can proudly take that to funders and members as your description card that you are managing the organization with care and responsibility. I know that smaller organizations often don't feel they have the money to be audited every year, but in effect should make sure they have the money to be audited every join of years. It is also highly recommended that you set up an audit committee, even if it's only three people, just to make sure that money is being accounted for correctly and that the organization's finances are transparent.

Managing a nonprofit, either as the chief officer or board member, requires ethical practices and stewardship. After all, people give their money charitably in the confidence that their money will be well spent.

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