Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How to Print Remittance Envelopes for Non-Profits, Fundraisers, Foundations or Churches

Do you know about - How to Print Remittance Envelopes for Non-Profits, Fundraisers, Foundations or Churches

Remittance envelopes are a specialized envelope designed for returning donations through the mail. All donation envelopes come with a large back flap, and are available in two styles and some sizes to meet your needs. The fronts of remittance envelopes look just like suitable envelopes, and are normally printed with your organization's address in the middle, Fims, and sometimes with firm reply or "stamp here" copy. While these envelopes are very versatile, their unique flap construct can make printing on them quite tricky. Read about the types of fundraising envelopes below, and do not hesitate to call your printer for help setting up your remittance copy.

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How is How to Print Remittance Envelopes for Non-Profits, Fundraisers, Foundations or Churches

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Non-Perforated Remittance Envelopes

The non-perforated or "non-perf" remittance envelope have a large flap that is meant to be complete over the back of the envelope. When complete it will nearly cover the back of the envelope. Since this flap acts as the end flap, it is gummed at the end. The flap is large so that you can use this space to get data or take orders from your donators and contributors, and the data will be neatly sealed with the envelope. But care must be taken not to push the print copy too close to the edges of the flap, especially the gummed edge, as anything printed or hand-written there will be ripped off when you open the envelope to take out the donation. The same goes for the back of the envelope, should you choose to put copy there. Where the gum hits, the copy will be ripped off the envelope upon opening. That said you still have fullness of room to get data such as the donor's name, take orders for any gifts they are eligible for with the donation, etc. Non-perforated remittance envelopes are more thrifty than perforated ones, easy to use, and work well for most fundraising purposes. They are available in some sizes, from 6 and 1/4 up to #9.

Perforated Remittance Envelopes

Perforated remittance envelopes look just like their non-perforated counterparts, except the long flap tears off at the perforated line just above the top of the envelope, creating a short flap to close the envelope. The detached flap piece can then be filled out by the donator with dedication, gift, or subscription information, and located safely inside the envelope. With the perforated flap, you can print more copy and have your copy come nearer the edge of the flap, as there is no gum to work around. Perforated envelopes are best if you need to get a lot of data or if it is leading to have descriptive printing on the back of your envelope. Perforated envelopes are available in 6 and 3/4 and #9 sizes.

Remittance Envelope Templates

Before finalizing your print copy, you may want to ask your printer for a template for your size and type of envelope. With suitable envelopes, measurements supply sufficient information, but with remittance envelopes, there are many curved edges, tapers, and of procedure those gum lines that you need to avoid. Ask what tolerance your printer prints to for these envelopes. If you put something close to the edge, it may end up getting cut off.

A Final Note

Remittance envelopes for non profits are complicated to print, but with the help of your printer and the pre-press department, you will be sure to end up with a quality goods that serves your fundraising goals far best than a suitable envelope. And remember, when ordering envelopes to send out your donation requests, all the time make sure to order the next size up from your donation envelope size.

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Throat, Larynx and Trachea Problems

Do you know about - Throat, Larynx and Trachea Problems


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How is Throat, Larynx and Trachea Problems

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General inflammations of the throat, linked with redness, swelling, and inordinate discharge of mucus, may have many dissimilar causes. Most common, of course, is exposure to cold, or an extension of inflammation from the tonsils, the adenoids, or the nose. inordinate use of tobacco, inordinate exposure to dust, smoke, and irritating fumes, and sudden changes in temperature, inordinate dryness and other atmospheric irritations may all cause irritation of the throat. Citizen who are sensitive to certain food substances sometimes react with blisters on the tissue of the throat, which become secondarily infected and yield irritation and inflammation.

There may be severe pain linked with swelling and inflammation of the throat, along with pain in the ears because of blocking of the tube which lead from the nose to the ears; there may also be a sense of plenty or obstruction, with much hawking and spitting.

The first thing to know about any inflammation of the throat is it cause. If the health happens to be due to diphtheria, prompt activity is necessary, along with the giving of diphtheria antitoxin. If, any way it is due to some other type of germ, other methods of rehabilitation are employed. The pain of an inflamed throat is best relieved by use of an ice bag filled with cracked ice. Most doctors are now convinced that gargles seldom go deep sufficient in the throat in sufficient quantity or force to permit them to have much succeed in killing germs or in curing disease. To have a specific succeed from any sanitary in the throat, it is needful to apply it directly to the infected or inflamed part. This is best done by spreading with a cotton swab or by using an atomizer properly. In order to get the sanitary into the back of the throat it may be needful to hold the tongue or to use a tongue depressor.

The customary purpose of a mouthwash or throat wash is to clean an soothe. A good cleansing mouthwash is merely salt solution, made by adding a fourth of a teaspoon of salt to a half glass of warm water. If there is much mucus, the expanding of a quarter of a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda or ordinary baking soda may be beneficial.

Acute Tonsillitis

The infection of throat and tonsils often first manifests itself with chill, pain in the head and body, loss of appetite, and fever. The climatic characteristic may go up to 103F or 104F. The streptococci are normally the infecting agent, and, since they are roughly all the time present in the nose and throat of people, the explanation seems to be that they grow and multiply every time the resistance is lowered. In epidemics, streptococci from infected food or milk or from the hands of food-handlers are spread about, and strike those who cannot resist. If children have repeated sore throats with infected tonsils, the tonsils may be removed while an intervening duration when inflammation is absent.


The larynx, commonly called the voice box, consists of cartilage held together by muscles and ligaments so as to make a tubular structure retention the vocal cords. At its upper end is a structure called the epiglottis, which serves to keep food from going down the larynx and windpipe and causes it to pass instead from the pharynx into the esophagus and stomach.

The chief purpose of the larynx is to aid speech. However, it also is capable of helping with expectoration. When a curious column of air strikes the vocal bands, the column is set in vibration. Speech includes, however, not only the vibration of this column of air but the molding of the column with the help of the tongue, the teeth, the palate, and the lips. If any of these structures does not function properly, the voice can be greatly changed. The adult male possesses a deep voice because of the activity of the long vocal cord while its relaxed state. A low-pitched voice is produced by a slow-moving cord, and a high-pitched voice is produced by a vocal cord that vibrates with an increased frequency.

The physician looks at the larynx by means of some dissimilar techniques. For the usual test he wears a head-mirror which casts light into the mouth. The person who is going to be examined puts out his tongue, which is held out with a piece of sterile gauze. While the tongue is held gently, the outpatient breathes through the mouth with short gasps of breath. Then the physician puts a mirror, which has been slightly warmed to preclude condensation of air on its surface, into the back of the throat and requests the outpatient to 'say "Ah." This raises the palate, and  the mirror may be passed a tiny farther into the throat. By regulating the angle of the mirror the physician can see the vocal cords. As the outpatient makes assorted sounds, the physician can settle either or not the vocal cords vibrate properly. He can also see either or not they have been modified by inflammation or swelling or growth of nodes. For some Citizen who are sensitive the use of a local anesthetic may be needful to permit passing the mirror into the back of the throat. Technique have also been developed which permit the physician to look directly al the vocal cords, with instruments designed for the purpose.


Inflammation of the vocal cords may succeed overuse of the voice, irritation by chemical substances, or infection. Men, who are more oftentimes subjected to exposure to irritant substances in their occupations and who indulge more than women in deleterious habits, suffer more from laryngitis than do women. Contributing causes to inflammation of the larynx include the swallowing of hot or spicy foods, the abuse of alcohol and tobacco and similar irritants. Occasionally the larynx becomes inflamed because there is an infection in the throat or the lungs. In fact, any health that blocks breathing through the nose helps to cause laryngitis, because large amounts of air then pass directly to the larynx without having been modified, as is usual, in passing through the nasal tract.

In serious cases of laryngitis it is customary to go to bed and keep quiet. Nothing helps the vocal cords under such circumstances as much as continuous rest, speaking only in a whisper. The application of an ice bag or ice collar or moist compresses to the throat is soothing. A part which comes down from aged history is the inhaling of steam to which assorted aromatic oils can be added. Nowadays many extra devices have been developed that use electrical heat in order to yield such steam for inhaling. These devices are normally much safer than the old-fashioned dish or kettle of hot water. Many instances have been known of severe burns from accidents with open kettles of exceedingly hot water used in this way. For serious laryngitis, particularly that complex by inflammation or infection, the physician may designate many drugs that are helpful in securing rest and in soothing the area concerned.


The scientific name for the windpipe is the trachea. It is often complex in infections of the throat and the bronchial tubes. Any virus or germ that can yield inflammation of the respiratory tract can also cause the lining of the trachea to become infected. It is potential for the experts to see the lining of the trachea by the use of the bronchoscope.

When the lining of the trachea becomes inflamed the most typical indication of illness is the cough. These coughs are non-productive, hacking, and metallic. They tend to be worse after the person goes to bed and while the night. An acute inflammation of the trachea is accompanied by rawness, tightness, and discomfort, sometimes even pain, in the lower part of the neck and behind the upper part of the breastbone, or sternum. As the inflammation goes on, there is mucus, and finally a good deal of sputum and mucus may be expectorated. If the infection is purulent, as with the staphylococcus or streptococcus, the material coughed up will be a blend of mucus and pus.

These conditions can be helped by the usual rehabilitation that is given to other inflammations of the respiratory tract. That means going to bed for a few days, applying warmth, and producing rest by the use of appropriate remedies which the physician prescribes. Often inhalations of warm vapor treated with medicated oils help to bring relief.

In some instances the acute inflammation of the trachea becomes chronic. In such cases the cough is irritating and frequent. When these symptoms are present it becomes needful for the physician to make certain that the outpatient does not have tuberculosis or any other health affecting the lungs. In such cases it is customary to prohibit smoking. The use of antiinfectious remedies such as the sulfonamides and penicillin are important, in eliminating infection.

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